Tuesday, October 9, 2007

An unparalleled personality

An unparalleled personality
HISTORY is witness to umpteen great personalities born in different ages, who have left their mark in different streams of life like science, technology, education, religion, law, Social service, literature etc., but it is difficult to find one person doing wonders in more than one field.
Prophets like Jacob, Isaac and Ismail were the witness to Almighty's majesty. Abraham, Buddah, Jesus, Thiruvalluvar were the heralds of gold tidings. Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, George Bernand Shaw etc. were the people who contributed to science, technology, and literature. People like Aristotle and Plato shed light on philosophy of life. But, neither of these great men were masters in many fields.
"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Mohammed? Philosopher, orator, Apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empire and of one spiritual empire, that is Mohammed (PBUH). As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?" Lamartine asks in his Lamartine Historic de la Tarqunie, Paris-1854.
The magnificent personality of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is the so complex that only a glimpse of it I can catch, professor KS Ramakrishna Rao said in his book Prophet of Islam said. He says, "what a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes! There is Mohammaed, the prophet. There is Mohammed, the businessman, Mohammed the statesman, Mohammed the orator, Mohammed the reformer, Mohammed the refuge of Orphans, Mohammed the Protector of Slaves, Mohammed the Emancipator of women, Mohammed the Judge, Mohammed the Saint."
Before the advent of Islam the whole society of Arabia was steeped in vice, superstition and barbarism, people were in the utmost depth of darkness. Slaves, women and female children were treated in the most inhuman way that words could not explain. Tribal warfare was going on usual business, carried on by generations after generations. The Arabs were never united as a nation and no empire could have an influence over them.
But, the Prophet's message of peace - Islam, united all the warring tribes for the first time and brought them under a single umbrella, bringing lasting peace.
The great Calipha Omer Bin Khatab during his great reign over the largest empire of the time, used to say about himself, "this Omer was the most cruel man before Islam. My parents were very much worried about my character and future. During the days of ignorance the treatment I meted out towards slaves and female children were worst, I shed tear. But my revered master Prophet (PBUH), Allah's Apostle transformed all my qualities and my proximity to him and his teachings made me as humble as to make me understand humanity and be able to deliver just ruling with the fear of Almighty. My parents very often used to say that I would not be fit even to take care of camels, now I am able to rule an empire as vast that includes Rome. All this because I am from the school of my master Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), I love him more than my soul, I implemented the teachings of the Noble Master."
Yes, Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) ruled the hearts of people completely changed it. During his mission he brought unity among all the Arab tribes. The constant conflict and unrest among them came to an end forever.


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