Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Prophet preached universal peace

Prophet preached universal peace

Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) mission transcends all barriers of tribe, race, nationality and installed brotherhood, a feature which did not feature in other religions. Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) made situation in such a way that a woman would travel from Sana (Yeman) to Madina with the fear of nobody else than Almighty. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) never intended to have war and he was forced to face the battlefield to protect their people and safeguard peace mission. Some of the people having wrong opinion that Islam was propagated by sword, and the answer is definitely no. With the truthful and kindest nature of dedication he was able to achieve such success.

Mahatma Gandhi's statement published in "Young India", 1924: "I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today, an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of millions of mankind. I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the right simplicity, the utter explanatory of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his assurance, his fearlessness, his absolute trust on God and in his mission. These, and not the sword, carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read that great life."

Holy Prophet (PBUH) also was first personality to provide social equality, respect and equal status for women, and abolition of slavery system. Holy Prophet (PBUH) was also a wonderful reformer in economics and in the modern terms he was a great economist. Zakath, Sadaqah (alms giving) Sadaqatul-Fitr (Alms giving after Ramadan fasting before of Eid day) were the systems established to support poor, downtrodden masses. The laws of Zakaat made compulsory to enable the wealth to be distributed rather than to be accumulated in a few Land. Holy Prophet (PBUH) initiated the concept of national economy by introducing establishment of first public Treasures "Baitul Mal".

Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was always simple and easily accessible and available to the people. Dr Gustav Weil in his book History of Islamic Peoples says, "Mohammed was a shining example to his people. His character was pure and stainless. His house, his dress, his food - they were characterised by a rare simplicity. So unpretentious was he that he would receive from his companions no special mark of reverence, nor would he accept any service from his slave which he could do for himself. He was accessible to all at all times. He visited the sick and was full of sympathy for all. Unlimited was his benevolence and generosity as also was his anxious care for the welfare of the community."

Michael Hart in his "The 100, A Ranking of the most influential persons in History" (New York 1978) had ranked Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) as first (in-spite of lot of opposition for him from his own society etc.). The reason he narrated briefly as follows.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

An unparalleled personality

An unparalleled personality
HISTORY is witness to umpteen great personalities born in different ages, who have left their mark in different streams of life like science, technology, education, religion, law, Social service, literature etc., but it is difficult to find one person doing wonders in more than one field.
Prophets like Jacob, Isaac and Ismail were the witness to Almighty's majesty. Abraham, Buddah, Jesus, Thiruvalluvar were the heralds of gold tidings. Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, George Bernand Shaw etc. were the people who contributed to science, technology, and literature. People like Aristotle and Plato shed light on philosophy of life. But, neither of these great men were masters in many fields.
"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Mohammed? Philosopher, orator, Apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empire and of one spiritual empire, that is Mohammed (PBUH). As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?" Lamartine asks in his Lamartine Historic de la Tarqunie, Paris-1854.
The magnificent personality of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is the so complex that only a glimpse of it I can catch, professor KS Ramakrishna Rao said in his book Prophet of Islam said. He says, "what a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes! There is Mohammaed, the prophet. There is Mohammed, the businessman, Mohammed the statesman, Mohammed the orator, Mohammed the reformer, Mohammed the refuge of Orphans, Mohammed the Protector of Slaves, Mohammed the Emancipator of women, Mohammed the Judge, Mohammed the Saint."
Before the advent of Islam the whole society of Arabia was steeped in vice, superstition and barbarism, people were in the utmost depth of darkness. Slaves, women and female children were treated in the most inhuman way that words could not explain. Tribal warfare was going on usual business, carried on by generations after generations. The Arabs were never united as a nation and no empire could have an influence over them.
But, the Prophet's message of peace - Islam, united all the warring tribes for the first time and brought them under a single umbrella, bringing lasting peace.
The great Calipha Omer Bin Khatab during his great reign over the largest empire of the time, used to say about himself, "this Omer was the most cruel man before Islam. My parents were very much worried about my character and future. During the days of ignorance the treatment I meted out towards slaves and female children were worst, I shed tear. But my revered master Prophet (PBUH), Allah's Apostle transformed all my qualities and my proximity to him and his teachings made me as humble as to make me understand humanity and be able to deliver just ruling with the fear of Almighty. My parents very often used to say that I would not be fit even to take care of camels, now I am able to rule an empire as vast that includes Rome. All this because I am from the school of my master Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), I love him more than my soul, I implemented the teachings of the Noble Master."
Yes, Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) ruled the hearts of people completely changed it. During his mission he brought unity among all the Arab tribes. The constant conflict and unrest among them came to an end forever.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The night of power

The night of power
RAMADAN is the best month of the year. For as believers struggle in their hectic pace of life to live in harmony with Allah's Guidance in everything they do, Ramadan continues to provide them with the best opportunity to achieve this goal.
Most believers have experienced that giving up food, drink, and sexual relations, while avoiding lies, dishonesty, backbiting and evil, helps them establish a stronger connection with their Lord, Allah.
Because most of us worship more and do more good deeds while continuing normal activities during Ramadan, it helps us to better realise our potential, and we feel better and do better in all things. We realise that by spending more time in the worship of Allah, we can accomplish more in this life. Ramadan teaches us that "life of this world is nothing but illusion." This is a great help in our daily life. No matter how bad a situation, once we have done our best, we can move on and trust in Allah's will. In essence, Ramadan puts the worldly life in perspective, becoming a better human leads to a happier life.
All nights of Ramadan are holy nights but Lailat-ul-Qadr (the night of power) is the holiest night of this Holy month. It is also the holiest night among all other holy nights. About this night Almighty the Glorious and Exalted said:
"Indeed we sent it [the Holy Quran] down on the Night of Power. What will convey to you what the Night of Power is like! Better is the Night of Power than a thousand months in that Night the angels and the Spirit descend by the permission of their Lord for every affair. Peace it is, till the break of dawn." (Holy Qur'an)
According to learnt Scholars Night of Power is a very strange translation for "Lailat-ul-Qadr" but it attributes to it a good meaning: whoever may attain the blessings of this holy night should attain perfect power in his spiritual life. One can attain perfect power by means of this night because its value is more than one thousand months of worshipping. Every worship performed increases the spiritual power of people and in this night any worship is going to be valued as one thousand months of worshipping on any other night. It is condensed power. God, the Almighty, makes it a mighty night by placing in it such incredible power, making it a much mightier night than other nights. Almighty Allah says it is much more valuable than one thousand months of worshipping. That means Almighty granted such huge power to that night.
He has concealed the exact date of the Night of Power so that we would double our efforts in the whole month of Ramadan, or at least the last ten days. He has concealed it also to test the sincere and the non-sincere. The seriously interested person will search for the night late and in the early hours until he or she attains it, regardless of the hardship.
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months, indicates that acts of worship such as prayer, charity, and recitation done on this night are better in reward than the same act done on other nights. The rewards are being multiplied manifold.
In the Holy Month, especially in the most special night, May Allah forgive us because we are sinners. For his honour, may God forgive us and take away our bad deeds.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Quran, embodiment of knowledge

Quran, embodiment of knowledge
Ibn Masud said: "If one wish to acquire knowledge, select the (Holy) Quran as it is embodiment of the knowledge."
The Holy Quran is a relief and answer to every thing for human beings from cradle to grave in all respects. The Almighty said: "And remember, when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am creating a mortal out of potter's clay of black mud altered. So, when I have made him and have created into him of My spirit ..." (15:28-29)
The Quranic verse mentioned above reveals in a very condensed form the entire spiritual relationship between God and His human creation. He says He made the human being out of the elements and then breathed life into the body. The Quranic words used here are significant. Allah uses the word "nafas" (soul) for His own breath, and He uses the word "ruh" for His own soul. These same words are used to mean the human breath and human soul -- confirming the fact that we are, that mankind is originally from Allah, of Allah, for Allah, and in the end will return to Allah.
Of all of the physical realities that have a bearing upon health, that which is least often considered in medicine and healing is the breath. The breath has the following important relations with health.
According to Islamic scholars, breath is the agent upon which the divine permission is borne; breath is responsible for conveying the divine attributes from the heart to the various centres of the mind, body, and soul; breath creates equilibrium and harmony of the temperaments of the body; breath carries life-supporting elements from the exterior of the body to the interior physiological functions; and breath is the life force to survive and is the regulator of joy, sadness, delight, anger, jealousy, and other emotions. Both the quantity and quality of breath have a definite and direct effect upon human health.
Recite Book
The Holy Quran, in addition to all else that it may be, is a set of breathing practices, which has immense benefits if applied properly. In fact, the very first command of the Almighty was to recite the Holy Quran. The first verses that were revealed by Gabriel to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) were as follows:
"Recite! In the name of Thy Lord, who createth man from a drop of sensitised blood. Recite! And thy Lord is most bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he knew not."
The command
The Arabic word "iqra" is rendered here as "recite" because it means to read from some book, from actual letters. Now, the Prophet (PBUH) was an ummi (an unlettered one who could not read or write), so the command seemed puzzling, even terrifying, to him at the time. But the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was able to memorise each of the verses as it came to him, and thus could "read" it from his memory, although actual physical written copies were produced during the lifetime of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Itikaaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan

Itikaaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan
I'tikaaf, a form of religious worship, is observed in the last ten days of Ramadan by the pious believers of Muslim world. What is I'tikaff ? It means staying in the mosque for the purpose of worship of Almighty, thinking of His universe, creatures, more on reading Holy Qur'an towards achieving knowledge and wisdom.
Technically it signifies total seclusion from the duties of the materialistic world and staying in the mosque for the whole time towards Divine service during the last ten days of Ramadan. A person who secludes himself for devotion and prayer, gives up his all comforts and recreations to seek the pleasure of Almighty. It is certainly an act of service with excellent rewards. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to retire into the Mosque for total seclusion during the last ten days of Ramadan.
One of the companions Ibn Abbas reported that regarding a person in seclusion, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: "He who isolates himself from sins, good deeds bring reward for him like those who perform all the good deeds".
Further he reported, "Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was the most generous of men with regard to wealth and he was as generous as possible in Ramadan. Gabriel used to meet him every night in Ramadan and the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) would recite the Holy Qur'an to him. When Gabriel met him he was more generous than the wind which blows freely."
Just as fasting is a shield which protects the heart from the influences of physical distractions such as excessive indulgence in food, drink and sex, so I'tikaaf offers an immense hidden benefit, which is protection from the effects of excessive socialising. For people may take socialising to extremes, until it has a similar effect on a person to the effects of over-eating, as the poet said: "Your enemy was once your friend, so do not have too many companions" I'tikaaf also offers protection from the evil consequences of talking too much, because a person usually does I'tikaaf on his own, turning to Allaah by praying Qiyaam al-Layl (Night Prayers), reading Quran, making Dhikr, reciting du'aa', and so on.
It also offers protection from sleeping too much, because when a person makes I'tikaaf in the mosque, he devotes his time to drawing closer to Allaah by doing different kinds of acts of worship; he does not stay in the mosque to sleep.
Other benefits
The person in I'tikaaf has committed himself to staying in the mosque for a specific time period. Human nature may not readily accept such restrictions at the beginning of the I'tikaaf, but usually this attitude quickly disappears because of the peace of mind that the soul develops from staying in the House of Almighty.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Major religions foretold Prophet's arrival

Major religions foretold Prophet's arrival
Holy Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) arrival had been mentioned and foretold in many vedas and scriptures of major religions.
Hindu scriptures
"A foreign spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammed."
(Maharishi vyasa / bhavishya puran / prati sarg parv 111: 3,3, 5-8)
The Kuntap Sukt of Atharva Veda prophesied, among other things, the Prophet's name as Praiseworthy; his ten best companions; his 100 companions who migrated to Abyssinia; the 313 companions who fought The Battle of Badr that saved Islam; and the 10,000 companions who conquered Mecca with him. But one must know Mohammed's life story to understand the prophecies.
"The truthful, wise, powerful and generous Mamah (Mohammed) has favoured me with his words....possessing all good attributes, the mercy for the worlds has become famous with ten thousand (companions)." (Atharva veda)
Buddhist scriptures
"I am not the first Buddha who came upon the earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world, a holy one, a supremely enlightened one, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths which I have taught you. He will preach his religion, glorious in its origin, glorious at its climax, and glorious at the goal. He will proclaim a religious life, wholly perfect and pure, such as I now proclaim. His disciples will number many thousand, while mine number many hundred. He will be known as Maitreya...".(The gospel of Buddha by Carus)
There are many claimants to this 'maitreya : among them Shankaracharya, Jesus, and Mohammed - each proposed by his followers or admirers. Shankaracharya is hardly known outside the Hindu world. Jesus did not have that many disciples, certainly not many thousands. Mohammed was an incomparable leader of man and had many thousands of companions and disciples. Among the meanings given to Maitreya are loving, kindness, benevolence, friendliness, compassionate, merciful, forgiveness, goodness, providence etc. - precisely the same meanings for Rahmat (Arabic) which, for simplicity, is translated as mercy in the Prophet's title of "Rahmatul-lil Alamin" : mercy for all the Worlds. So Gautama Buddha was indeed talking about Mohammed.
While mankind requires true guidance and these will be provided by Almighty through His Prophet.
And Mohammed was the last of Prophets and seal of Prophets whose arrival had been continuously foretold by the major vedas.
Holy Qur'an says: "O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Apostle of God, to Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no god but He: it is He that giveth Both life and death. So believe in God and His Apostle, the unlettered Prophet, who believeth in God And His Words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided." [7:158]
Further says: "We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not." [34:28]
Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said, "I have been sent to perfect the generosities of morals" that is to define and demonstrate the highest form of morality. Truth, honesty, trustworthy, loyalty, Justice, sympathy, service, good fellowship, neighborhood, tolerance, harmony, co-operation in goodness and piety etc are the morals of generosities and those who attain such characters as taught by Holy Prophet (PBUH) can please man and serve in the path of Almighty.
Prophet's messages also destroyed all the differences and distinctions of race, colour and nationality as Almighty declared "O mankind! we created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (Not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)" [49:13]
Prophet in his prayer told "O God, Thou art peace and from thee is peace" and Prophet (PBUH) said "Indeed religion is well wishing" The fundamental as well as ultimate end of religion is to soothe the heart and bring peace and this is the bliss.
Peace is very essential one for the individual, society and world and it is missing somewhere nowadays. Certain people falsely think that Islam is the religion that would lead to the extinction of all other faiths.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) had not brought the message to extinguish other faiths, he brought the message that enlightens every faith of others also with truth and universal values of life. Islam brought to light the concealed truths in every religion and Almighty made Islam as purified, chosen and peaceful one to all mankind.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Scientific facts in Quran

Scientific facts in Quran


The smallest particles of matter, detected by the human beings so far, are called the fundamentals like electron, proton, neutron, etc., which form the atom of any matter. The electrons and protons carry equal but opposite kind of electrical charge and also occur in equal number to make the atom as a whole safe and neutral. Moreover, the atoms of all kinds of matter contain these particles having the power of producing flash of light on spark and differ only in number and nature of arrangement between them.

This common character of the atoms bears the stamp of the Unique Creator.


There exist gravitational force among all the infinite number of heavenly bodies, so that none of them deviates from the other at will nor they dash against each other to cause a state of chaos and confusion. A system of peace and tranquility prevails all through. The leaves of the trees fall by the law of gravitation. The imposer of the law knows thoroughly well where it is followed and where not. The Qur'an says:

"Lo: Allah graspeth the heavens and the earth that they deviate not, and if they were to deviate there is not one that could grasp them after Him". (35:41)

The force of gravitation of the earth works strongly on a substance falling from a distance above. Allah has utilised this force in fighting against Abraha, the Abyssinian ruler of AI-Yaman, who invaded Makkah to destroy the Ka'bah just fifty-five days before the birth of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). A swarm of flying creatures threw pieces of stones on the elephant and the soldiers of Abraha from above just to punish them.


Water is the essential factor of life. It evaporates from the earth and is carried by the wind to form cloud which condenses as pure water to fall back. The earth absorbs it. The plants and trees live on it, as the animals do. The water vapour changes the composition of air in terms of hygrometry. Moreover, the water gives different kinds of taste due to its contents. The two seas of the salt and the sweet water do not mix with each other. The alluvial gravel and sand deposits at the bed of some rivers contain gold and platinum, pearl, coral stones, etc.


As the earth does not rest on any support, there was necessity of its balance on all sides, so that it should function smoothly and should not fall on a side during eartquake. The mountains and hills are so placed on the northern hemisphere to balance thc oceans on the southern. The Qur'an says:

"And hath cast into the earth into mountains so that it quake not with you". (31:10)

"Set thereon (earth) mountains firm and immovable". (15:19)

"They will ask thee of the mountains. Say: My Lord will break them into scattered dust and leave it as an empty plain; wherein seest thou neither curve nor ruggedness". (20:105 - 107)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Discoveries that Qur'an revealed

Discoveries that Qur'an revealed


HOLY Quran, the miraculous Book that it is, described many scientific and astronomical facts 14,00 years ago, which were not known even centuries later while some of its descriptions are yet to be discovered.

The creation of Earth and Heavens as well as their contents is a science that is beyond the reach of human brain. The rule of creation is so acute in a way that a slight deviation of one atom would change everything.

Let us see some of the facts related with universe, matter, gravitation etc..


The universe consists of heavenly bodies and the earth, which were the composite heap of burning gas. Then they split up into fragments as sun, moon, stars, planets, earth, etc. What a big heap it was! The Qur'an says: "Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then we parted them'?" (21 :30).

"Then We have made the sun pilot of it. (Solar system) (25:45)

"And the earth shines with the light of its Lord." (39:69)

"Oh! But I call to witness the planets, the stars which rise and set and close of night and the breath of morning that this in truth the word of an honoured messenger, Mighty, established in the presence of the Lord of the Throne." (81:15~20).

All the heavenly bodies and the earth are floating in space in definite orbits. They are held in space by gravitational forces. The sun, the stars, the moon and the planets are visible in the lowest sky. The earth is spacious and far away from the sky. The Quran says:

"And He it is who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They float each in an orbit." (21:33)

"And He hath made subject to you the sun and the moon, both diligently pursuing their causes." (14:33)

"And for the moon We have appointed mansion till it returns like an old shrivelled palm-leaf." (36:39)

As the sun moves in its orbit, it exhibits two extreme positions in the east and west of the equator. The Qur'an says:

"Lord of the two easts and Lord of the two wests." (55:17)

"Blessed is He Who hath placed in the sky constellation, and hath placed therein a great lamp and a Moon giving light." (25:61)

"Who hath made the earth your couch and the heavens your canopy"(2:22)


There is none but Allah to claim the Sovereignty of the Universe and the Qur'an is a great challenge to mankind. He is the Maker, and Shaper of any matter like air, water, clay, etc., that exist here and there. He created everything with definite properties and purpose. The creation of matter is a monopoly business of the Almighty. None else can create anything.

The human beings may simply extract the matter from different sources and carry out synthesis or analysis in order to prepare something. Being unable to create anything without something, they hide their weakness in the law that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

But we see the matter already created. Then the question of Creator and the process of creation comes automatically. The Qur'an says:

"Knowest thou not that Allah hath power over all matters." (2:106)

"Allah created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them except with truth (definite properties). (30:8)

"Our Lord is He Who created things, its form and nature and further eave it guidance." (20:50)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Generous man closer to God

Generous man closer to God


THE world could not find a more austere and humble personality than Holy Prophet who led a truly simple of life not only at the time when he had no power but also when he was the great Ruler of Arabia.

When we go through the life of Holy Prophet, one can see for many days together he was without food/water and with only few dates. At Taif when he was preaching the truth the humiliation and sufferings he had received from those people were immense and he was there for 30 days without food eating the leaves of trees.

One the companions of Holy Prophet Abu Talha reported: "We all complained of hunger to the Holy Prophet and we took away stones, tied to our bellies. Then the Apostle of Allah Holy Prophet raised two stones from his belly."

Though Almighty placed all the treasures at the feet of the Prophet but Holy Prophet refused them saying "O Allah! Give me food for one day that I may be thankful to Thee and keep me hungry on the day following that I may acquire the virtue of patience." All his earthly possessions as King of Arabia were an earthen pot, a bedding of date leaves with pillows of date-refuges and narrow-built house.

The generous man is closer to God, closer to men and closer to Paradise, but the miser is distant from God, distant from men and near Hell.

Ayesha wife of Prophet [PBUH] said: I began to feel sorrow when I saw the Prophet hungry and said: "O Messenger of God, why don't you pray to God for food?" He said: "O Ayesha, by One in whose hand lies my life, had I prayed to my Lord, the mountains of the world would have followed me being filled up with gold. They would have moved to the place where I wished, but I preferred in the world hunger in place of satisfaction, poverty in place of wealth and riches of the world, and sorrows and difficulties in place of pleasures and enjoyments of the world. O Ayesha, God is not pleased with anything in case of difficulties and patience in their dear things. He will never be satisfied by not giving me these sorrows and difficulties, which he gave to the Prophets. God says: Keep patience as the resolute Prophets kept patience. By God, I shall certainly keep patience to my utmost as they kept patience. There is no might and strength except through God."

Once the Prophet's widow Lady Hafsa who was the daughter of Omar said to her father at the time of her father's ruling:" Many deputations come to you from many distant places. You should take up decent dress and give order for delicious foods for you and for your guests."

Hearing this Omar said: O Hafsa, don't you know that the family members of a man know his condition best? Hafsa replied: I know it.

Omar said: "I ask you again, Don't you know how the Prophet and his family members lived during his time? If they enjoyed breakfast, they remained hungry at night, and if they enjoyed food at night, they remained hungry at noon.

I ask you in the name of God; Don't you know that until the victory at Khaibar the Prophet and his family members could not enjoy dates.

I ask you in the name of God, don't you know how the Prophet disliked the keeping of food in his basket for his use, so much so that the colour of his face in that case changed? Then he took the food from the pot and placed it on the ground.

I ask you again in the name of God: Don't you know that the Prophet used to sleep on a double folded blanket? I prepared for him one night a bed four folded and he slept thereon. Rising from sleep, he said: I could not pray Tahajjud (night) prayers as I slept on a four folded blanket. Make it two folded as on the previous occasions.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Islam calls for sincerity at work

Islam calls for sincerity at work


ISLAM gives due importance for work which has been considered as an essential element for man's success in life. It is expected that a worker uses his full potential sincerely, with utmost loyalty for his employer.

Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: "Almighty is gracious to one who earns his living by his own labour and not to one who begs despite being able and fit to work. "The best food taken by anyone is that which comes from his labour." One should note that Holy Quran indicates to mankind work is completely connected with trust and responsibility and every man is responsible for his work and conduct.

Earning money through a proper or righteous trade is vastly preferred over begging. The principle is emphasised in the following hadith:

A man of the Ansar came to the Prophet (PBUH) and sought alms. The Prophet asked, "Have you nothing in your home?" He replied, "Yes, a piece of cloth, a part of which we wear and a part of which we spread (on the ground), and a wooden bowl from which we drink water."

He said, "Bring them to me." The man then brought these articles to him and The Prophet took them in his hands and asked, "Who will buy these?" A man said, "I shall buy them for one dirham." Prophet called twice or thrice, "Who will offer more than one dirham?" Another man said, "I shall buy them for two dirhams."

Prophet (PBUH) gave the items to him, took the money and giving them to the Ansari, he said, "Buy food with one of them and hand it to your family, and buy an axe and bring it to me."

He did as instructed. The Apostle of Allah (PBUH) fixed a handle on it with his own hands and said, "Go, gather firewood and sell it, and do not let me see you for a fortnight." The man went away and gathered firewood and sold it. When he had earned ten dirhams, he came to him and bought a garment with some of them and food with the others.

The Apostle of Allah (PBUH) then said, "This is better for you than begging will come as a spot on your face on the Day of Judgment. Begging is justified only for three people: One who is in grinding poverty, one who is seriously in debt, or one who is responsible for compensation and finds it difficult to pay."

"It is He Who has made the earth manageable for you, so traverse Ye through its tracts and enjoy of the Sustenance which He furnishes: but Unto Him is the Resurrection."[67:15]

"Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight Of good, see it!" [99:7]

"And anyone who has done an atom's weight Of evil, shall see it." [99:8]

Holy Prophet likened work with worship, provided it is carried out honestly.

Holy Quran says:

"Is it they who would portion out the mercy of thy Lord? It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood in the life of this world: And We raise some of them above others in ranks, so that some may command work from others. But the mercy of thy Lord is better that the (wealth) which they amass." [43:32]

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Care for orphans and the needy

Care for orphans and the needy


The first ten days of blessed month of Ramadan has just over and reached its second part. The materials aspects of fasting are more and of course its spiritual benefits are immense for those who are practicing consciously. This blessed month is divided into 3 parts, the first part is merciful, the 2nd part is devoted to seek forgiveness and 3rd part is praying Almighty for freedom from the fire of Hell. This is the month of self-discipline and demonstration and protraction of complete surrender and submission to the will, wiser and commandments of Almighty.

It is quite and just a wonderful deed to concentrate more on the Holy Quran the book of eternal guidance to the mankind which was reveled to Holy Prophet (pbuh) first from this Holy month and hence this month got more superiority.

Holy Quran and Prophet have not left any subject whether it is social, science, management, legal, domestic, crime, etc. Holy Quran's concern towards orphans, poor, servants, slaves and distressed are very note worthy.


Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he himself, an orphan whose father died before he was born, leaving no property. The Prophet's mother Amina was in ailing health and hence he was chiefly brought up by his nurse Halima and his beloved mother Amina died at the age of 6 years of Holy Prophet.

Prophet treated all orphans with tender affection and respect, setting an example to his contemporaries who frequently took advantage of the helpless position of orphans and in any case looked upon them as subordinate creatures to be repressed and kept in their place such as attitude is common in all ages. Helpless creatures ought to be treated as sacred trusts, whether they are orphans, or dependents creatures of any kind unable to assert themselves either through age, sex, social, artificial conditions or any cause whatever.

Holy Prophet further told that he and caretaker of an orphan would be in paradise like these two fingers showing his two fingers where the gap is no space between i.e. so close each other. Further Holy Prophet told, the best home is which an orphan is nicely treated and if the orphan is gently petted or fondled, there will be reward equal to the number of hairs on his head. Though plenty of Holy verses of Quran and Hadeeds, the following would suffice the importance given to orphan.

"Seest thou one Who denies the Judgement (To come)?" [107:1]

"Then such is the (man) Who repulses the orphan (With harshness)" [107:2]

"And encourages not The feeding of indigent." [107:3]

Holy Quran warns that those who are swallowing the properties of orphan unjustly, surely they only swallow - fire into their bellies and they shall enter burning fire and further Holy Quran instructing mankind to treat orphan equally and don't threaten them.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Victorious follow Prophet and Holy Quran

Victorious follow Prophet and Holy Quran


"Holy Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) character is the Qur'an itself", Ayesha wife of Holy Prophet said! From this precious words Ayesha (may Allah and His Prophet may be pleased with her) intimated that all the wonderful pictures of moral sublimating are drawn in action by Holy Prophet (PBUH). Also it is crystal clear that life of Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) cannot be studied in isolation from Holy Qur'an and nor can Qur'an be correctly understood and interpreted without reference to the Sunnah of Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

For a believer "the leader is the Prophet, the guidance is the Holy Qur'an and the Goal is Allah". It is the firm belief of the Muslims that Qur'an is the revealed Book of God - the verbatim dictation of God through Angle Gabriel to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Almighty says in the Qur'an: "This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it: it is a guidance for the righteous who believe in the unseen, and observe prayer, and spend out of what we have provided for them. And who believe in that which has been revealed before thee, and they have firm faith what is yet to come. It is they follow the guidance of their Lord and it is they who shall prosper." (2:3-6)

Muslims also believe that while the Qur'an sets the ideal for man, the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) has given him through his words and deeds recorded in the Hadith literature the techniques for the achievement of the Great Ideal in the life of man. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the finest and perfect Model for man. The Holy Qur'an says: "Verily you have in the prophet of Allah an excellent model, for him who fears Allah and the Last Day, who remembers Allah much" (33:22)

Having completed the work of all the Prophets in the world the Holy Prophet (PBUH) remains to be "the seal of Prophet-hood". After him there is no Prophet. This basic belief is put in a nut-shell in, the Mulmantara of Islam-Lailaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullahi - there is none worthy of worship but the One worthy of worthship and obedience and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is the apostle of God. This revolutionary slogan in its briefest possible words had changed the mode of the thought of man and the very course of history of mankind. It emphasises that there is no divine being except Allah, the only God who should be obeyed, loved, worshipped, praised and remembered, from whom we expect all good and whose displeasure we fear, who will reward the good acts and punish the evil ones, who is regarded as the master and lord and law-giver, whose injunctions should be obeyed and prohibitions avoided, and whose prescribed restrictions are to be strictly observed and lives have to be moulded according to His will. He who submits completely to the supreme will of God will attain peace in this world and in the Hereafter and that is the religion of Islam.

It is therefore quite natural for Muslims to love the Book of God infinitely and revere the Holy Prophet (PBUH) with the highest respect and the utmost regards. The Algerian saint and sage, Sheik Ahamed Al Alawi says in one of his poems: "The Qur'an hath taken up its dwelling in our hearts and on our tongues and is mingled with our blood and our flesh and all that is in us." And Muslims find in the Holy Prophet (PBUH) "the perfect man" in the words of Carlyle and as Arnold Toynbee puts it "the greatest benefactor Mankind", Muslims revere the Prophet, they love him, follow him with the implicit faith in the rightness of even the minutest details in his life.

Friday, September 21, 2007

'Desire for your brother what you seek for yourself'

'Desire for your brother what you seek for yourself'


ISLAM is a complete code of conduct to lead a peaceful life for the entire humanity and Holy Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) mission is universal and not for any particular country or group.

In his life Prophet (PBUH) established Islam as the complete and universal system of life. Prophet (PBUH) lays down wonderful code of peace and love among people.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Do you love your creator? Love your fellow beings first." Further he emphasised that the person who eats his food and leaves his neighbour hungry is not belonging to Islam and no man is true believer unless he desires for his brother what he desires for himself.

The above Quote of Prophet indicates that Islam and the teachings of Prophet lays greatest emphasis on kindness among fellow human beings and peace and harmony in the society.

The Holy Quran declares: "And if two parties of believers get into a fight, then make peace between them. And if one part of them does wrong to the other, fight ye that which does wrong till it return unto the ordinance of Allah; then, if it returns, make peace between them justly, and act equitably. Lo! Allah loveth the equitable." [49:9]

Holy Prophet (PBUH) showed how peace can be established among the various religions of the world by declaring not to abuse those whom they take up, as gods besides Allah.

Also going through the life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), one can understood how he suffered immensely while propagating peace, truth, equating all men as same and oneness of God etc., and he withstood all the troubles with patience.

He never intended to have any type of war with anybody but war was imposed on him to safeguard his group, and to protect and establish his mission of peace.

Still Prophet (PBUH) is the last man to go for fight that was only for self defence. In the war also, his instructions was not to attack first, but only to defend enemies attack.

Whenever, there was any offer of peace, and cessation of hostility, Holy Prophet immediately put down the arms with his followers, as instructed by Holy Quran: "And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in Allah. Lo! He is the Hearer, the Knower.'' [8:61]

"And Allah summons to the abode of Peace, and leads whom He will to a straight path." [10:25]

The Holy Quran condemns disturbance of peace vehemently. The following verses are some of the examples in this regard.

"Work not confusion in the earth after the fair ordering (thereof), and call on Him in fear and hope. Lo! The mercy of Allah is nigh unto the good." [7:56]

"O my people! Give full measure and full weight in justice, and wrong not people in respect of their goods. And do not evil in the earth, causing corruption." [11:85]

"... Serve Allah, and look forward to the Last Day, and do not evil, making mischief in the earth." [29:36]

"...They seek to create disorder, the Almighty loves not those who create disorder." [5:64]

"But seek the abode of the Hereafter in that which Allah has given thee and neglect not thy portion of the world, and be thou kind even as Allah has been kind to thee, and seek not corruption in the earth. Lo! Allah loves not corrupters." [28:77]

The Holy Quran and Holy Prophet (PBUH) clearly proclaim that disturbance is severer than murder.

"... for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers." [2:191]

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Zakaat aims to curb penury

Zakaat aims to curb penury


Self discipline and self control are key notes to all who are observing the days of Ramadan. They are spiritually enlightened, understand the poverty, sufferings of poor, distressed and needy fellowmen, and their minds are motivated to help them.

One of the important forms of worship in Islam is Zakaat, and Almighty placed Zakaat next to prayer. Allah says in many places repeatedly in Holy Quran: "Keep up prayer and pay Zakaat." Zakaat means purification. It was made compulsory on the first Ramadan in second year of Hijra.

Zakaat is the purification of impurities. The great Islamic scholar who contributed more on Islamic thoughts and Prophet's (PBUH) sunnah, Imam Ghazzali said: "There are three reasons for its being a pillar of Islam. The first reason is to appreciate the oneness of God. The next is to be pure from miserliness. And the third is to express gratefulness for the gifts of God, as God's gifts on His servants are unbounded.

Zazarath Abu Zarr, one of the companions of Holy Prophet (PBUH), said: "I came to Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was seated in the shade of Ka'ba. He said to me, by the lord of the Ka'ba, they are undone. I asked, Who are they?" Prophet (PBUH) replied: Those who increase their wealth and not those who spend in His way. Those who have got camels, cattle, sheep and goats and who don't pay their Zakaat will meet these animals in huge forms on the resurrection day. They will attack them with their horns and will tread upon them by their hoofs. If one party finishes and other party will come. This will continue till the people are brought for judgement."

Hence Islam stresses on real sprit of religion by total submission to God and Holy Prophet's (PBUH) teachings guide us that faith and services are two of important foundations of Islam. Scholars say the best manifestation of faith is prayers and services to the orphans, poor and needy. Also western scholars say that no religion of the world prior to Islam had consecrated charity, the support of widow, the orphans and the helpless, needy poor by implementing its principles.

By the laws of Islam, every individual who is wealthy is bound to contribute a certain part of his wealth towards the help and assistance of the poor neighbours and needy. The amount is one part of forty i.e. 2.5 per cent (Two and a half per cent) on the value of all goods, chattels, emblements, on profits of trade, mercantile business, etc. Also one should note that alms are due only when the property amounts to a certain value and has been in the possession of a person for one whole year nor are any due from cattle employed in agriculture or in the carrying of burdens. The second name for Zakaat is "Sadaqah" which means free will offering which is considered all kinds of bodily and monetary assistance and acts of piety. Zakaat is monetary assistance which is rendered obligatory by a Muslim who posses fixed amount of wealth.

Islam wants sincerity in the deeds of devotion and charity etc. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said even courtesy is a charity and in this kind of charity poor and needy can also participate and in simple words it is nothing but sympathy and fellow feeling. On the authority of A'isha (Allah and His Prophet be pleased Her) who said : That the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Every human being of Adam has been created with three hundred and sixty joints; so he who declares the Glory of Allah, and removes a stone, or thorn, or bone from the people's path, or enjoins what is good and forbids from evil, to the number of those three hundred and sixty shall walk that day having removed himself from Hell.

On the authority of Abu Huraira that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said : Seven are (the persons) whom Allah would give protection with his shade on the Day, when there would be no shade but that of him (i.e. On the Day of Judgement, and they are): The just leader, a youth who grew up with the worship of Allah, a man whose heart is attached to the mosques, two persons who love and meet each other and depart from each other for the sake of Almighty, a man whom a beautiful woman of high rank seduces him (for illicit relation), but he (rejects this often by saying): "I fear Allah", a man who gives charity and conceals it that the right hand does not know what the left has given, and man who remembered Allah in privacy and his eyes shed tears.

One should observe, that Charity will never decrease the wealth rather it will increase one's wealth and protect one from troubles. But many who are attached to the world are not thinking about their wealth genuinely and just ignoring the poor.

Holy Qur'an says: "It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believe in Allah and the last day and the angles and the scripture and the Prophets; and given his wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and observe proper worship and pay the poor-due.

And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and adversity and time of stress. Such are they who are sincere. Such are the God-fearing." [2:177]. Holy Prophet(PBUH) said obeying miserliness, following low desires, and self-conceit are the three destructive guilts.

Modern financial consultants and economists wonder how professionally and neatly did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) evaluate the scheme of zakaat 1400 years ago; it is a scheme of social justice which can be beneficial for the poor and needy people of society. Experts say the zakaat, if properly exercised, and implemented, it would eliminate poverty and enhance prosperousness in the modern world.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Salat sharpens visions of performers

Salat sharpens visions of performers


In the first stage the person who offers salat, bring hands, palms open, up to ears, and place thumbs behind earlobes, as "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) is uttered and the beneficial are body feels relieved of weight owing to even distribution on both feet. straightening back improves posture. Mind is brought under control of intellect. Vision is sharpened by focusing upon floor, where head will posture. Muscles of upper and lower back are loosened. Higher and lower centres of brain are united to form singleness.

In the next stage, the performer places hands, right over left, just near the navel which would give beneficial effect of extension of concentration, causes further relaxation of legs and back, generates feelings of humanity, modesty, and piety. In the recital of the above verses, virtually all of the sounds that occur in Arabic are uttered, stimulating dispersal of all of the ninety-nine drive attributes in perfectly controlled degrees throughout the body, mind and soul. The sound stimulates the heart, thyroid, pineal gland, pituitary, adrenal glands, and lungs, purifying and uplifting them all.

In next stage, the performer of salat bends at waist, placing palms on knees with fingers spread. Back is parallel to ground, such that if a glass of water were on the back, it would not spill. Eyes are looking down, directly ahead. Do not bend knees, which would give the beneficial effects and are fully stretching the muscles of the lower back, thighs, and calves. Blood is pumped into upper torso. The muscles of stomach, abdomen, and kidneys are toned up. Over time, this posture improves the personality, generating sweet kindness and inner harmony.

In next stage, the performer of salat will be rising from the bending position of "ruku" recite "Samia Llahu li-man Hamidha". "Rabbana Wa Lakal-hamd" (Allah hears the one who praises Him; Our Lord, Yours is the praise). Then return to standing position, arms at side and the beneficial effects are the fresh blood moved up into torso in previous posture returns to its original state, carrying away toxins. Body regains relaxation and releases tension.

In the next stage, the performer of salat will place both hands on knees and lower slowly and easily into a kneeling position. Then touch the head and hands to the ground, the following seven body parts should be in contact with the ground: forehead, two palms, two knees, toes of both feet, and the beneficial effects of knees form a right angle to allow stomach muscles to develop and prevent growth of flabbiness in midsection, increase flow of blood into upper regions of body, especially the head (including eyes, ears, and nose) and lungs; allow mental toxins to be cleansed by blood, reduces high blood pressure, increase elasticity of joints, annihilates egotism and vanity, increase patience and reliance upon God, increase spiritual stations and produce high psychic energy throughout body. This posture of supreme submission and humility is the essence of worship.

In the next stage the prayer performer will be reciting "Allahu Akbar", rises from previous positions and assumes the sitting stage and the beneficial effects are, that for men, the heel of the right foot is curled up and the weight of the leg and part of the body rests upon it. This aids detoxification of the liver and stimulates peristaltic action of the large intestine. Women keep both feet, soles up, underneath their bodies. The body returns to even greater relaxation, and the posture assists digestion by forcing the contents of the stomach downward.

In the further stage, motions of above two are repeated exactly and the beneficial effects are repetition of the deep prostration within a few seconds, cleanses the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems. Gives experience of lightness of body and emotional happiness. Oxygenation of entire body is accomplished. Balances sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

In the next and last action for one unit is that with head in prostration, lifting of head away from the floor and bring the torso backward. Placing hands on knees, reverse the procedure for going down, and, while again reciting "Allahu Akbar", return to the standing position. This completes one 'rak'at' of (unit) prayer.

Another important point regarding this practice, simply as a physical activity, is that persons of all ages can do it. It is smooth, flowing, and easy, and in time becomes the greatest physical development that is possible.

In the course of one day, the minimum performance consists of seventeen units of prayer, composed of nineteen separate positions during each rak'at. This is a total of 119 physical positions per day, or 3,570 postures monthly, or 42,840 postures yearly.

In the average adult lifetime of forty years, 1,713,600 postures are performed. Anyone so doing is protected and inoculated against a host of ailments and diseases, such as heart attack and other cardiac problems; emphysema arthritis; bladder, kidney, and bowel problems, viral and bacterial infections, eye diseases, loss of memory and senility, sciatica and spinal ailments, and many, many others. This practice can be done virtually anywhere, requires no special equipment, and costs nothing at all.

Apart from this lot of social benefits are also there.

Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: "If a man says prayer at its appointed time, establishes ablution, makes his bow and prostration perfect and has got god fear, salath will become bright and rise upwards and the salath would say: "May god guard you as you have guarded me." If a man does not pray at its appointed time, does not make ablution well and does not make perfect his ruk'u (position) and prostration and god-fear, salat will become dark and rise upwards and word says: "May god destroy you as you have destroyed me." God will keep it folded as old cloth is kept folded. The Prophet said: The word thief applies to one who steals in prayer.

The Great Imam Syed Khaleel Awn Mowlana Al Hasaniyul Hashimey told that the people have to establish the performance of prayers pleasantly, happily without any hastiness and such prayers are more beneficial for mind and will be accepted by Almighty Allah.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Salat -- dialogue with the Lord

Salat -- dialogue with the Lord


IN THIS Holy Month, one can witness increased activities and more gathering in the mosques for regular as well as special prayers. This is a sign of blessings for human well being physically, socially and spiritually.

The glorious Almighty does not insist upon the performance of any other devotion as much as He does on the performance of Salat (prayers).

"This is the scripture wherein there is no doubt, a guidance to those who shun evil, who believe in the unseen, and establish Salat, and spend of that which we have bestowed upon them." (Quran - 2:1)

The word Salat in arabic is translated as prayer or worship, and also supplications for forgiveness, compassion, and mercy. (In persian, Turkish and Urdu, the term is Namaz)

Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is reported to have said "the difference between a believer in God and a disbeliever in is the performance of salat."

The great Indian scholar of medieval period Khawja Moinuddeen Chisty commented on the importance of the salat with the following statements:

"Without performing salat, none can approach God, because salat is the climax in the process of such approach for the pious. Salat is the ladder leading to the proximity of god. Salat is a trust committed to human care by the Almighty, a secret relationship existing between the worshiper and the worshiped."

Prophet (PBUH) said: Prayer, five times is like a flowing canal, of pure water by the side of one's house. He takes bath five times daily in it. Will you see any impurity in his body?

His companions replied: No. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: As water removes impurities, so prayer for five times removes sins.

Prayer for the five times expiates the sins of a man till he does not commit major sins. The distinction between us and the hypocrites is our presence at morning and night prayers and their absence at these two prayers. If a man meets God after destroying his prayer, God will not look towards his virtues. Prayer is the pillar of religion. He who gives it up destroys the pillar.

Prophet (PBUH) was once asked: Which action is best? Prophet told: To pray at the appointed times. If a man protects his prayer for five times with full ablution and at appointed times, these will be proof and light for him on the Day of Resurrection. He who destroys his prayer will rise with Pharaoh and Haman enemies of Almighty.

Salat is at once an external and an internal practice: a set of physical exercises (some have compared them to yoga asanas), and the richest spiritual nourishment.

By considering each of these aspects in some details, one can learn why the learned scholars have considered in many cases that they would rather die than forgo their salat.

The practice of salat is performed at five regular intervals throughout the day as a minimum and can be done at other times according to the capacities of the worshiper.

The timings of performance are fixed according to the journey of the sun and planets across the heavens. These times are as follows:

Morning Prayer: Begins approximately forty-five minutes before sunrise and extends up to the rising of the sun.

Mid day Prayer: Begins after the sun has passed the median point in the sky and has just begun its downward arc.

Afternoon Prayer: Begins when the sun has crossed a bisection of the arc made by the sun, midpoint between noon and the line of the horizon; or when the body's shadow is equal to two body lengths.

Evening Prayer: Begins just after the sun has set below the horizon and no light is left reflecting off the clouds (i.e, there is no more redness).

Night Prayer: Begins when night has fully fallen, approximately one hour and twenty minutes after the time of Magrib, or sunset.

By following these prayer timings, one is perfectly tuned to the motions of the planets, seasonal changes, and geographic variations. In so doing, one becomes harmonised with all of the natural cycles of the universe.

There are three aspects to the salat: thought, word, and action. Before beginning the salat, one must clean one self of any physical dirt on the body or clothing, or on the place where one intends to pray.

At the same time, one must drive out all negative or evil thoughts and cleanse the mind to concentrate fully upon the glory of Allah the Almighty. This preparation, called wudu (ablution).

The salat is done by assuming eight separate positions of the body and reciting various Qur'anic verses with each position. Positions, actions and benefits are described in the next article.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Fasting for spiritual elevation

Fasting for spiritual elevation


Fasting is religious installation as important and universal as prayer and Holy Qur'an says :

"O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint." [2:183]

From this verse, it is understood before Islam, the followers of other faiths Hindus, Christians and Jews etc. also observed fasting.

Moses observed fasting for forty days on the Tur (Mount sira), Jesus remained in the lonely place and observed fasts for 40 days, Yahya used to keep fasts very often and many pious groups too. Moreover, fasting was observed as a sign of grief of mourning or for a great event and the basic underlying idea was to propitiate an angry god. Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) abolished these ideas and introduced highly developed significance as ordered by Almighty Allah, and fasting is made to observe every year to regulate the principles of their lives.

The divine instruction from Almighty Allah on fasting was reveled in the 2nd year after Hijrath (migration from Makkah to Madina) and Ramadan in 9th month of Islamic calendar which is based on lunar system. Due to this arrangement the month of Ramadan keeps on rotating throughout the year on different seasons summer, winter, autumn, spring etc. and completes a full circle in 36 years thus making believers to keep the fast under all conditions of climate and weather.

The word Ramadan does not actually mean fast. The technical term for fasting is Siyam or Saum whose root word means "to be at rest."

According to the Islamic law "Saum" signifies abstaining from eating, smoking, drinking and sexual intercourse from the dim beginning of dawn to dusk. Fasting is a course of training once in a year for a continuos period of one lunar month-Ramadan, during which every believer gets the opportunity of his spiritual elevation. Although the observer of fast can avail, himself of the delicious eatables yet he prefers to remain hungry and to be at rest and peace. He touches neither food nor drink simply because of his firm faith in the omnipresence of Allah.

The month of Ramadan is full of blessings. In this month Allah turns towards his believers and showers upon them his special mercy. He forgives their faults, accepts their prayers, and appreciates their competition for surpassing one another in the performance of virtuous deeds. He feels proud of the attitude of His worshippers and boasts to angels about them. It is necessary upon the believers to display their righteousness in deserved and suitable manner. The most pitiable and unfortunate is he who is deprived of the mercy of Allah in this Holy month by not doing good deeds, special prayers and by ignoring fasting etc.

Following are the important regulations which must be followed for the fasting to be valid.

The niyyath or intention to fast.

The period of the fast must extend from the time just before sunrise until just after sunset. According to the Holy book one may eat and drink at any time during the night "until you can plainly distinguish a white thread from a black thread by the day light; then keep the fast until night."

During the period of fast total abstaining from the following is required food, drink, smoking, sexual intercourse, back biting, fighting, cursing, arguing and misbehavior.

Pregnant or lactating women, seriously ill persons and the most fragile aged persons are exempted from fasting but in some cases may be liable to make up missed days as in menstruation period for ladies.

Fasting occurs in the heart, and mind and so it is hidden from all human eyes, visible only to the eye of God: it is a secret action. Hence Almighty knows the mental strength of the fasting men and reward will be as per the indidvual's faith and true actions.

General people's fast is restraining oneself from eating, drinking and sexual passions.

A higher form of the fast consists of (in addition to above) refrain from wrong actions of hands, feet, sight and other limbs or parts of the body.

The superior form of fast, the greatest a fast of the mind. Such people always think of Almighty. They consider their existence in this world only as a seed for growth into the next world.

Medical experts reveal that during a fast no new food goes into the body and so not new toxins are produced and the liver is free to work full time to eliminate existing toxins. This occurs because the body which requires fuel to survive, now begins to first burn the toxins contained with it and then turns to the stored nutrients. This increases the functioning of the cell and the natural resistance of body increase manifold. The blood becomes pure and the skin begins to clear and acquire a new glow.

Fasting is definitely one of the means to control the Nafs (soul). The great scholar and Imam Jamaliya Seyed Khaleel Awn Mowlana El Hasaniyul Hashimy says, "If lack of peace is identified, we should undertake all possible efforts to get rid of the shortfall. These efforts constitute the major war (Jihaadul Akbar) to subdue the mean soul (Nafs)."

The fasting in higher order will certainly be one of the best tools to deal with nafs (ego), and let Almighty Allah bless us all to attain desired benefits, peace, etc. in the Holy Month.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ramadan -- festival of blessings

Ramadan -- festival of blessings


ISLAM is a religion that teaches love, peace, tolerance, and benevolence with all human beings, as practiced by Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) who exemplified the teachings of Islam as its greatest role model.

It is a well known fact that the edifice of Islam stands on five pillars and those are namely Faith (Iman), offering obligatory prayers five times daily (Salah), fasting from dawn to dusk during the month of Ramadan (Sawm), Giving a fixed portion of wealth in charity to the poor & needy (Zakath), and performing a pilgrimage to Ka'aba once in lifetime by those who can afford it and are physically fit (Haj).

Now, with the beginning of Ramadan the believers embark upon a journey of peace, blessings and peity.

During the last day of Shaban, just a day before Ramadan, Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said to the companions: "O People! A great month, a blessed month, a month that consists a night better than thousand months is upon us. Allah has made fasting during this month an obligatory duty, and the passing of its nights in prayer as a voluntary practice. If someone draws near to Allah during it with some good deed, he will be like one who fulfils an obligatory duty in another month, and he who fulfils an obligatory duty in it, will be like the one who fulfils seventy obligatory duties in another month. It is the month of endurance, and the reward for endurance is paradise. It is the month of sharing with others, and a month in which the believer's provision is increased. If someone gives a fasting man something with which to break his fast, it will provide forgiveness of sins and save him from Hell, and he will have a reward equal to his (reward) without his reward being diminished in any respect."

Some of the companions told Allah's Messenger (PBUH) that all of them can't afford to provide for the needy to break his fast. Thereupon he replied: Allah gives this reward to him who gives one who has been fasting some milk mixed with water, or a date, or a drink of water with which to break his fast; and anyone who gives a full meal to one who has been fasting, will be given a drink from my tank by Allah and will not feel thirst till he enters Paradise. It is a month the beginning of which is mercy, its middle is forgiveness, and its end is salvation from Hell. If any one makes things easy for his slaves during it, Allah will forgive him and free him from Hell." (Baihaqi)

Further Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "when Ramadan begins, the gates of paradise are opened while those of hell are closed and the devils are chained and a herald cries out: O, you who seek good, come here and you who desire evil, desist." (Ibn Majah)

Abu Umanah reported: "I came to the messenger of Allah and said: 'Order me to do a deed that will allow me to enter paradise.' Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied: 'Stick to fasting, as there is no equivalent to it. 'Then I came to him again and he said: 'stick to fasting.'"

On another occasion Abu Umanah said: 'O Messenger of Allah, tell me of an action by which I may enter paradise.' Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: 'Take to fasting, there is nothing like it.'

Sahl Ibn Sa'd reported that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: "There is a gate to paradise that is called Ar-Rayyan. On the day of Resurrection it will say: 'Where are those who fasted?' When the last [one] has passed through the gate, it will be locked."

Once while Prophet (PBUH) was mounting the pulpit in the Masjid to give a sermon he exclaimed, "Aameen" on the first step of the pulpit, he did the same on the second step as well as the third step. His companions felt this was unusual.

After the completion of the sermon and prayer, the companions requested Holy prophet (PBUH) for an explanation. He replied, "when I mounted first step Arch-angel Jibraeel appeared and said 'May that person be destroyed, who lives in the month of Ramadan but did not secure forgiveness' there upon I said Aameen. When I mounted second step Jibraeel said 'May that person be destroyed who refrains from reciting durood when your Holy name is mentioned in his presence, there upon I said Aameen. When I mounted the third step, he said 'May that person be destroyed whose both parents or one parent happen to reach old age and he is unable to attain salvation (by serving them), there upon I said Ameen.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) who has been acclaimed by the Almighty Allah as Rahmatul lil Alameen (mercy upon the universal) and as Merciful to believers in Holy Qur'an had cursed the people who are not honouring the Holy month of Ramadan, parents and not reciting durood when Holy Prophet's (PBUH) name is mentioned.

It is also worthy to note the sayings of Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) "If my followers would realise what really Ramadan is they would wish that whole year should be Ramadan."

Abu Hurairah, a close companion of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said that "The time between the five prayers, two consecutive Friday Prayers, and consecutive Ramadans are expiations for all that has happened during that period, provided that one has avoided major sins."

Prophet (PBUH) said, "whoever fasts during Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven."

Let us make the most of this "festival of blessings" and attain peace and salvation.
13th September 2007