Monday, October 8, 2007

The night of power

The night of power
RAMADAN is the best month of the year. For as believers struggle in their hectic pace of life to live in harmony with Allah's Guidance in everything they do, Ramadan continues to provide them with the best opportunity to achieve this goal.
Most believers have experienced that giving up food, drink, and sexual relations, while avoiding lies, dishonesty, backbiting and evil, helps them establish a stronger connection with their Lord, Allah.
Because most of us worship more and do more good deeds while continuing normal activities during Ramadan, it helps us to better realise our potential, and we feel better and do better in all things. We realise that by spending more time in the worship of Allah, we can accomplish more in this life. Ramadan teaches us that "life of this world is nothing but illusion." This is a great help in our daily life. No matter how bad a situation, once we have done our best, we can move on and trust in Allah's will. In essence, Ramadan puts the worldly life in perspective, becoming a better human leads to a happier life.
All nights of Ramadan are holy nights but Lailat-ul-Qadr (the night of power) is the holiest night of this Holy month. It is also the holiest night among all other holy nights. About this night Almighty the Glorious and Exalted said:
"Indeed we sent it [the Holy Quran] down on the Night of Power. What will convey to you what the Night of Power is like! Better is the Night of Power than a thousand months in that Night the angels and the Spirit descend by the permission of their Lord for every affair. Peace it is, till the break of dawn." (Holy Qur'an)
According to learnt Scholars Night of Power is a very strange translation for "Lailat-ul-Qadr" but it attributes to it a good meaning: whoever may attain the blessings of this holy night should attain perfect power in his spiritual life. One can attain perfect power by means of this night because its value is more than one thousand months of worshipping. Every worship performed increases the spiritual power of people and in this night any worship is going to be valued as one thousand months of worshipping on any other night. It is condensed power. God, the Almighty, makes it a mighty night by placing in it such incredible power, making it a much mightier night than other nights. Almighty Allah says it is much more valuable than one thousand months of worshipping. That means Almighty granted such huge power to that night.
He has concealed the exact date of the Night of Power so that we would double our efforts in the whole month of Ramadan, or at least the last ten days. He has concealed it also to test the sincere and the non-sincere. The seriously interested person will search for the night late and in the early hours until he or she attains it, regardless of the hardship.
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months, indicates that acts of worship such as prayer, charity, and recitation done on this night are better in reward than the same act done on other nights. The rewards are being multiplied manifold.
In the Holy Month, especially in the most special night, May Allah forgive us because we are sinners. For his honour, may God forgive us and take away our bad deeds.

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