Saturday, September 22, 2007

Victorious follow Prophet and Holy Quran

Victorious follow Prophet and Holy Quran


"Holy Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) character is the Qur'an itself", Ayesha wife of Holy Prophet said! From this precious words Ayesha (may Allah and His Prophet may be pleased with her) intimated that all the wonderful pictures of moral sublimating are drawn in action by Holy Prophet (PBUH). Also it is crystal clear that life of Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) cannot be studied in isolation from Holy Qur'an and nor can Qur'an be correctly understood and interpreted without reference to the Sunnah of Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

For a believer "the leader is the Prophet, the guidance is the Holy Qur'an and the Goal is Allah". It is the firm belief of the Muslims that Qur'an is the revealed Book of God - the verbatim dictation of God through Angle Gabriel to the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Almighty says in the Qur'an: "This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it: it is a guidance for the righteous who believe in the unseen, and observe prayer, and spend out of what we have provided for them. And who believe in that which has been revealed before thee, and they have firm faith what is yet to come. It is they follow the guidance of their Lord and it is they who shall prosper." (2:3-6)

Muslims also believe that while the Qur'an sets the ideal for man, the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) has given him through his words and deeds recorded in the Hadith literature the techniques for the achievement of the Great Ideal in the life of man. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the finest and perfect Model for man. The Holy Qur'an says: "Verily you have in the prophet of Allah an excellent model, for him who fears Allah and the Last Day, who remembers Allah much" (33:22)

Having completed the work of all the Prophets in the world the Holy Prophet (PBUH) remains to be "the seal of Prophet-hood". After him there is no Prophet. This basic belief is put in a nut-shell in, the Mulmantara of Islam-Lailaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullahi - there is none worthy of worship but the One worthy of worthship and obedience and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) is the apostle of God. This revolutionary slogan in its briefest possible words had changed the mode of the thought of man and the very course of history of mankind. It emphasises that there is no divine being except Allah, the only God who should be obeyed, loved, worshipped, praised and remembered, from whom we expect all good and whose displeasure we fear, who will reward the good acts and punish the evil ones, who is regarded as the master and lord and law-giver, whose injunctions should be obeyed and prohibitions avoided, and whose prescribed restrictions are to be strictly observed and lives have to be moulded according to His will. He who submits completely to the supreme will of God will attain peace in this world and in the Hereafter and that is the religion of Islam.

It is therefore quite natural for Muslims to love the Book of God infinitely and revere the Holy Prophet (PBUH) with the highest respect and the utmost regards. The Algerian saint and sage, Sheik Ahamed Al Alawi says in one of his poems: "The Qur'an hath taken up its dwelling in our hearts and on our tongues and is mingled with our blood and our flesh and all that is in us." And Muslims find in the Holy Prophet (PBUH) "the perfect man" in the words of Carlyle and as Arnold Toynbee puts it "the greatest benefactor Mankind", Muslims revere the Prophet, they love him, follow him with the implicit faith in the rightness of even the minutest details in his life.

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